Sunday, November 30, 2014

HMS Victory and the frigging faire

I decided to escape Black Friday by visiting the Portsmouth Historic Docks to see HMS Victory and the Mary Rose.

Alas I forgot to do the all important pre-trip google and was rather aghast to find that for the long weekend it was occupied by one of those frigging xmas faires.

Why? What is it about xmas that means otherwise sensible people spend hours looking and buying mass produced tat from stalls while listening to endless renditions of snotty the frostman? Discover the magic, they claim. It must be something pretty strong, for there were literally coach loads of OAPs being bussed into the site.

So instead of a easy tour of near empty exhibits there was a bit of a scrum and at some point I accidentally switched my camera into "minature: auto" mode. After a lot of fumbling I managed to switch it back to normal but actually some of the pics it took were rather fetching:
Might use that one again sometime.

Anyhow those historic boats...


Tillerman said...

"Buying mass produced tat from stalls while listening to endless renditions of snotty the frost man."


It's about time that people got back to the traditional ways of celebrating the season such as jumping off 50 foot poles or enjoying a week-long spree of debauchery and crime.

JP said...

50 foot poles! Wow - I think I'll stick to my current approach which involves lots of baking .... then having the grim problem of how to dispose of 12 iced fingers.... ok, now its how to dispose of 10 iced fingers....

I suspect there's plenty of debauchery (and possibly even crime) to be found in the west end around closing time but I might give that a miss too.