Monday, January 28, 2013

Something nice to look at on a wet and dreary day!

Aahhhh! Summer!


  1. Yay Summer!

    Of course I was laughing this morning at myself for getting all yearny for summer when on the whole this winter has been very mild. One minor cold snap and a couple of rainy days is nothing!

  2. The snow and ice has all melted here but its not at all the same as when this photo was taken!

  3. weather in Michigan the last 2 weeks has been crazy. Temperatures well below freezing, with wind chills even worse for several days. this weekend, we got a surprise 2 or 3 inches of snow. the next day, a little more snow, but immediately followed up with freezing rain. and then today, the temperature was in the mid 50's (F), and it was raining like crazy. flash flood warnings in effect.

    I could use a bit of summer.
