Monday, April 15, 2013

The New Putney River Bus

The Putney River Bus has been running long enough for me to have a chance to use it and very good it was too.

Ok these quick cats weren't made when Queen Victoria was still on the throne, nor where they part of the fleet of little ships that came to the rescue at Dunkirk, but they do the job asked of them, which is to take commuters from the upriver leafy suburbs directly into the center of London.

There were comfy seats, big windows to admire the view, fast rapid ride and you can even use your Oyster PAYG to pay the fare. Unlike the tube or train I had a seat with room to open the laptop and excellent 4G coverage to receive and send emails.

Timetable can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. Its good to hear that it is increasing the number of services, and if all goes well it will stop at more piers, increase accessibility and introduce pay as you go scheme.
