Friday, May 10, 2013

Andrew Simpson

Tragic news from San Francisco of the death of Olympic Gold Medalist Andrew Simpson after yet another America's Cup capsize.

No doubt there'll be lots of questions raised about what this all means for the format and competition. I remember watching that Fun on Foils video where the bowman worries about 7 tonnes of boat screaming along at 40+ knots held up by a small carbon fiber foil. Any failure would be catastrophic, he said.

And Artemis hadn't even been foiling.

But for that's for another day. Today lets remember that two children have lost their father and a wife her husband, and that a man aged just 36 who came from the lovely golden stone town of Sherborne will sail no more.

Updated: some nice tributes at the BBC here and article by Stewart Alexander calling the foiling wing-cats "death traps". Also an in-depth article on Wired about the AC and the earlier Oracle crash.


  1. It's a very sad day for sailing :(

  2. Anonymous4:44 pm

    extreme sailing and extreme sports lead to extreme injuries and even death--stop the madness now before any more injuries and deaths take place on SF BAY.--Susie
