Sunday, May 12, 2013

Walker Breeze 10 sailing on the Thames

Not a make of boat I'd heard of before and at first sight with its inflatable ring I thought it was a blow-up sailing dinghy which would have been interesting but apparently not.

According to the manufacturer's web site they are "are competitive on all tacks versus other boats in their class" which begs the question what other boats are in this class?

Anyway, added to the list of those spotted on the Thames.


  1. I have seen the Walker Bay dinghies in the US before. They are very low cost compared to other small sailing dinghies, and to put it kindly, you do get what you pay for.

  2. That's what I suspected from the phrase in italics but have never sailed or seen one before.

  3. They were first marketed in the US - without the inflatable bits - as inexpensive hard tenders for cruising boats.

    Then they added a sail kit. I guess that worked as well as any boat not designed to be a sailboat.

    Then they added an inflatable RIB kit. I guess that worked as well as any boat not designed to be an RIB.

    If they add a helicopter kit, I don't think I would try it.
