Monday, July 15, 2013

Buff applauds the America's Cup

G'day all! Buff Staysail here! Buff by name and Buff by nature!

You know, all sorts of people have been saying all sorts of things about the new style America's Cup, and for some reason they've been negative.

"Not really racing" is the typical comment. "I want my money back" another.

But they have missed the point - this is INSPIRATIONAL stuff!

It reminded ol' Buff of sports days back at school. Those of us big boned and the geek types like JP were at a disadvantage, left at the starting line by the jocks.

And sailing too often repeats that, with those who can spend 100 days a year out of the water training having a clearly unfair advantage over the gentleman sportsman like yours truly.

It's disheartening, at a time when sailing needs to be enthusing a new generation.

So what better way to raise the spirits than showing how you can be guaranteed victory: hold races with just the one boat!

"Inspire a generation" was the Olympics motto and what better way of doing it than showing that you too can be a winner! Just enter your boat into the America's Cup and BINGO - you win at least one race!!

Buff is loving it!

This is Buff Staysail, winner, over and out!


  1. Yes, but you also come in last place.

  2. Buff Staysail1:06 pm

    Nah! Last implies there are boats in front of you, so you can't be last if there's just the one.

    To prove I'm right, remember the famous AC saying is "there is no second" - in which case you don't need another boat!! Just sail with the one!!

