Sunday, September 01, 2013

Clipper Round the World Yacht Race starts in London

No blog posts on Greenland as this weekend's been busy with a Prom and the start of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race.

It's been sad how many of the big races like Volvo have ignored the UK recently - another sign maybe that sailing isn't as thriving as it used to be.

So it was good to see a major race starting not just in the UK but here in London. I was able to go down to Tower Bridge to see them leave on what turned out to be a lovely sunny day.

Good luck to all yachts and their crew and well done for getting to the starting line. Ahead will be a great adventure you'll never forget.


  1. Some great photographs - I love the one of my fellow team mates on Derry~Londonderry~Doire!


  2. Thanks - I might do some more (including explaining what's on that sign) as have a stack of photos but am struggling without a laptop to do blogging on ipad and chromebook.

    Will make sure find some DLD ones for you.

  3. Thanks - did you manage to get onto one of the yachts?

    The sign... well, that was the latest incarnation... the morning of departure it read 'Are you Susie's sister?' as a reference to our delivery trip up the Thames!


  4. Anonymous1:55 pm

    “There is NOTHING - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” Kenneth Grahame

  5. Christina: alas no, well at least not one of this fleet. I've recently spent 2 weeks on an older Clipper 60 in Greenland as posted previously

    Go Susie!

    Anon: so true :)
