Sunday, June 15, 2014

The British Arctic Air Route Expedition Quiz

The telegram above, found at Arthur Beale's Chandlery, London, was sent by the British Arctic Air Route Expedition, requesting additional alpine lines.

I am currently reading a book about the BAARE and it is a corker - already a contender for the list of favourites.

Full review to come but in the meantime here is a multiple choice quiz. Bonus marks for suggesting what the d. answers should be.

1. How did the expedition leaders meet?
a. In a pub (natch)
b. On the ice flows north of Spitzbergen (natch)
c. At Cambridge Uni (natch)
d. [...]

2. What the pre-expedition training involve?
a. Regime of exercises performed in the Harrods ice store
b. Solo hikes across the Scottish Highlands
c. Running home to Chelsea from one's Mayfair dance
d. [...]

3.  Why was a magistrate required for entry into Greenland?
a. To check the passports, visas and landing permits
b. To search the vessel for illegal materials
c. To visually inspect for VD
d. [...]

4. What were the expeditions first actions on arrival at Angmagssalik?
a. Give the dogs a run ashore
b. Search for a safe anchorage
c. Set up the gramophone and teach the locals the charleston
d. [...]

5. What was the attic of the expedition hut used for?
a. Store the smelly whale meat dog food
b. Store the long range radio used to contact the Government wireless station in Aldershot
c. Accommodation for the local young women recruited as staff
d. [...]

Updated: the answers were c) in all cases, though for Q3 all three were probably correct

1 comment:

O Docker said...

2d. Searching for a suitable pub within hiking distance of one's Belgravia hotel room.