The sailing in Phocaea (or Foca as it is now known - snigger ye not) was good. Watch this space for an update which I'll try to avoid the "got up, brilliant breakfast, went sailing, super lunch, went sailing again, drool-worthy dinner" sort of post.
It might be fun to share:
- my worst ever regatta / race position
- a non-laser sailor goes laser sailing
- the death-eater bruise (had to get a Harry Potter reference in somewhere)
- ... and anything else can think up
In the meantime this is something we saw a lot of last night - the full moon. From the airport in Turkey (Izmir) all the way to somewhere over southern England where we circled over a closed Gatwick till our fuel started to run low and we were diverted to Luton to pick up fuel before heading back.
At least the roads were clear for the 4am taxi home and the moon (below from Izmir) did look beautiful!
Was it a Sunsail place? It's my favorite vacation. Eat, sail, eat, sail, drink, sleep.
My name is Laura, and I work with MyOutdoorTv.com. If you haven't heard, MyOutdoorTV is the #1 website for outdoor TV shows. We recently added a blog section to our site. We love your blog, and we added it as a link. Thanks for providing such great content, and let us know if there's any content we can provide you with. Also, if you wouldn't mind sending us your address (my email is lhippensteel@myoutdoortv.com), we would love to send you a free hat. Thanks again and keep blogging!
All the best,
Welcome back! You must have been glad to finally get off the plane after that ordeal.
Btw, I really like the abstract quality of the night sky image...great composition and colours! Wish my camera could take low light shots like that.
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