But as haven't had a chance to load them on the laptop will just give you this picture, again from the hotel. In a sign of to be welcomed eccentricity and character, the manager has camouflaged this door to look like a bookshelf - but where does it go?
Answer: its the lift / elevator - rather an important door for most guests!
ps the naked pipe-cleaner man on a juicer is apparently for sale for SF 1,000 if anyone wants it
That's fabulous!!
I can just imagine all manner of humourous blunders this could cause for international travellers...trying to translate the phrase "camouflaged elevator" in their PDA's :)
ps( have you heard of the Canadian artist who rented a New York hotel room so he could smother it in melted cheese? http://ardmoreite.com/stories/052899/ent_artis.shtml
I believe he's moved on to ham now... http://www.usatoday.com/news/offbeat/2004-06-03-hamartist_x.htm )
It was so funny as everyone - and I mean everyone - would go to where the front desk said the lift was and then not see it and turn in circles with puzzled look on their face.
The front desk had to actually open the lift door themselves and viola!
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