In the end we didn't mind that much having to go out again - it was another lovely evening and this time we were in two person canoes which was fun to try out.
The sticking point was the need to jump into the Thames again to repeat the rescues. No one was that that keen - when asked my view it was that would do them if had to but felt we had done enough to pass on the Saturday.
The instructor didn't press the point so we paddled around Chiswick Eyot instead practising all the other strokes.
It was kind of interesting to double up - as some were a lot better at the ordering around instruction giving role than others! Allegedly this is a good test of a relationship - or at least it can be testing on a relationship!
When I was working at Manhattan Kayak Company, we used to say our doubles were "marriage or divorce boats". You always held your breath a bit when you put a couple in one.
Two cooperative people working well together in a double can be a great experience.
Let them start bossing or blaming the other, though, and things get really ugly!
Fortunately the person at the other end of my canoe was very good natured and we joked around happily all paddle
But the instructor admitted she sometimes found it hard to share a double canoe with her husband!
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