Thursday, April 01, 2021

Buff Solves Hammersmith Bridge Problem

 G'day all! Buff Staysail here! Buff by name and Buff by nature!

Well like typical poms there's been a lot of whingeing in London about Hammersmith Bridge being closed! Doh! Like Buff would be afraid to cross a bridge just because it might fall down at any moment!!

And for like years nothing's been done - there's been talk of ferries, but do I see one? 

So Buff Enterprises has offered to come to the rescue of poor west Londoners with his solution - a zip wire!!!

It's brilliant, why hasn't anyone suggested it!!!???

All you need is to create two towers at either bank then thread a wire which travellers can zip across in seconds.

Imagine the fun for all! Children off to school! Parents doing their shopping! Grandparents off to see their GP! Make sure you don't drop your homework / shopping / glasses in the river!!

It wouldn't be the first time, either, that a zip wire has been used to cross the Thames. A couple of years ago one was set up to cross from St. Thomas's Hospital to Westminster - read about it here and watch the video here:

How awesome is that! Key quote: "fastest river crossing ever"!!!

So come on London Transport, invest in Buff Enterprise's latest venture: a zip wire across the Thames at Hammersmith! It would be Buff Brilliant!!

This is Buff Staysail, over and out!!


Bursledon Blogger said...

Great idea Buff, you could string these up between all the high rise flats they keep building along the river :O)

Buff Staysail said...

BB You are so right!

JP even wrote about one of them here:

Tiilerman said...


Anonymous said...

Surely, with tower blocks nearby an inter-block vine system could be set up? Would be simpler, faster and would help reduce the London population in one fell swoop, boom boom!