The Clipper fleet is crossing the north Pacific and experiencing "Heavy blizzard conditions, zero visibility, snow on deck, air temperature below freezing without wind chill factor, 40 knots apparent wind speed, deep reefs & storm sails, and 99% humidity below decks" as it explains here.
Meanwhile Dee Caffari on Aviva is getting close to the Equator on the long treck North to the finish. Conditions on board are stifling hot as she heads towards the doldums, and she is suffering from Panda eyes (above), described in this story.
Meanwhile chez Captain JP the trees are brilliant green and the central heating can be switched off. Spring has finally come!
Image from Yachting World / Aviva
Mmmm - snow on the deck - my favorite sailing conditions.
I've never been able to get much enthusiasm for races with names like the "Hamble Winter Season"!
Particularly like to sail dinghys only where its warm enough to leave the wet suit at home!
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