Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Marine Quarterly: Winter 2013

Recently I've been recovering from chronic bronchitis and was hunting for something good to read to pass the time.

Luckily one of my Christmas presents was a subscription to The Marine Quarterly, and very readable it proved to be - as you might expect as its editor is Sam Llewelyn, author of cracking sailing thrillers like Dead Reckoning.

There were a baker's dozen articles, all non-fiction (as far as I know) and each a few thousand words so quick to read.

To give an idea of the variety, here are my favourites:
- a description of what its like to winter in the Greenland ice
- 14 things about rowing across the Indian Ocean
- what makes a good sea cook
- an article on Conrad and the sea
- the origin of sea monsters (on old maps that is, not real ones)
- barking dog navigation (or the smell of fish and chips)

So that's half of the articles in this edition that were my favourites - which must be a good sign. There were a couple of others about fishing which to be honest isn't really my thing.

Thumbs up for my subscription so far.

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