It was an impressive sight, a steady stream of canoes and kayaks, and almost all had gone before I had finished my second mug of breakfast coffee.
There were some supporters biking by too, calling out useful tips like to follow the centre of the channel, where the tidal flow to the sea runs quickest. More than a few seemed to have forgotten this and instead tried to cut the corners. This is likely to be slower flowing and hence paradoxically be actually longer across the water.
But you can understand how that can happen. After many days hard work both mind and body begin to slow, and so poor decisions are made that the more alert, more trained, or more caffeinated would have avoided.
Congrats to anyone who made the long trek, 125 miles over 4 days is an impressive achievement, one that contestants will no doubt remember for a long time.
I'm sure they are all looking forward to a nice hot shower, a pint or three, and a nice hearty meal...not necessarily in that order. (Credits go to 'messing about' and a post a few weeks ago mentioning Robin Knox Johnston's reaction after the Golden Globe Race of 1968-69). I re-arranged the order of the desires, but you get the picture.
Yup, remember that order from finishing the ARC and Fastnet.
Beer won both times.
that's great! I hope it spurs others to get on the water.
I was looking at all your photos and wondering why you only shoot in grey, glum weather. Then I went to le havre. I see. I am very sorry.
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